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What we’re about

We are a fun loving and casual book club (Nashville based) that meets once a month. While we are on zoom currently we hope to transition back to in-person meetings at some point, and therefore we are keeping membership to locals (Nashville and closely surrounding areas) only.

Friendship and fun are just as important as what we are reading. Each month you can expect a single or double book selection from a variety of genres to expand your literary horizons. We approach discussion in a variety of formats based on the size of our group. We do give aways and book exchanges multiple times during the year. We require a RSVP as our meeting space is limited.

The benefit of making the meeting is you get a 24 hour advantage for the next months selection and who knows you might just leave with a copy. If life happens and you can’t make it please just change your RSVP to accommodate our wait list. If you no show, and do not cancel 3 times you will be removed from the group. We look forward to meeting you and reading with you.

Our current genre rotation is as follows:

January : Realistic Fiction <br> February : Science Fiction <br> March: Dramatic Fiction <br> April: Fairy Tale/ Love <br> May: Mystery <br> June: Modern Fiction <br> July: Historical Fiction <br> August: Fantasy <br> September: Non Fiction <br> October: Horror <br> November: Humor <br> December: Short Story